The Great Convergence: Richard Baldwin

great-convergence-coverThe Great Convergence: Information Technology & the New Globalization
Richard Baldwin
Harvard University Press

Brief Highlight
Book of Year 2016 in Times Literary Supplement, Financial Times & Economist

“Baldwin’s work seems likely to become a standard, perhaps indispensable, guide to understanding how globalisation has got us here and where it is likely to take us next” Financial Times
“so important it is worth looking at again” The Economist
“sheds bright light on the nature of trade in today’s era” Martin Wolf, Financial Times
“excellent book” Financial Times
“Globalisation ain’t what it used to be” Sunday Times
“this brilliant book” Financial Times

Print and Broadcast Media

Economist, Financial Times, Times Literary Supplement, Sunday Times, Economia, Times Higher Education, Kristeligt Dagblad, I-Magazine

BBC Radio 4/Today, CNN, BBC Radio 4/Thinking Allowed, BBC News

London Loves Business, Quartz, theHRDirector, Reddit, The Bookbag, Growth Business, The Enlightened Economist, Capital Spectator, David Marx, NatWest Content Live, Huffington Post, BBC, Marginal Revolution, Sunday Times, Global Capital, Irish Times, I-Magazine