Age of Discovery: Ian Goldin and Chris Kutarna

ageofdiscoveryAge of Discovery: Navigating the Risks and Rewards of our new Renaissance: Ian Goldin and Chris Kutarna

Foresaw/predicted Brexit & Trump Presidency
Prestigious speaking engagements
Morning Star Book of Year
Long-listed for Financial Times Business Book of Year 2016
Platform to help launch first time author Chris Kutarna worldwide

“landmark book” – Observer
“bold mega-analysis” – Nature
“breathless but informative” – New Statesman
“scope & authority”- Telegraph
“lively account” – Financial Times
“Age of Discovery is an immense contribution to rethinking our epoch” – Cambridge Business
“thought-provoking big picture take on our uncertain times” – Nexus

Print & Broadcast Media

Nature, Financial Times, New Statesman, Sunday Telegraph, Daily Telegraph (& Books of Week), Times Higher Education, Morning Star (& Book of Year), Nexus
Cambridge Business, Observer, Irish Times, Daily Express, Elle, Kristelight Dagblad, Financial Times, Shanghai Review of Books, New Scientist

BBC World News, BBC Radio Oxford, BBC Ulster

David Marx, The Bookbag, International Business Times, London Free Press

Oxford Literary Festival, Google Zeitgeist, Hay Festival, International Festival of Business Names Not Numbers, Science Museum, Edinburgh Festival